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Forest Engineer , Landscape , Specialist Landscaping and Environment, in love with music and literature. Simone Coutinho career forward Balance Landscaping and Environment , follows the same conceptual line that characterized his formative years at UFV / MG : interdisciplinarity . Urban Forestry, Afforestation and Landscape , Environment and Sustainability, are among its areas. It also has in its portfolio , award-winning projects and published in journals, marked by spontaneity and versatility in a unique style and committed to the preservation of the environment

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Architect and Urban Planner Capixaba . Passionate and studious of the buildings and nature as well as the various ways in which they relate and cooperate with each other . He believes that freedom must pass between the insane and consistent. See truths in dictations and believes in the power of words and actions that we issued for life.

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Psychologist , doctor of psychology, professor of UFES expert in human behavior and addiction. Adora green, contact the plants in a " garden with a house ." Writing articles and projects listening to birds, seeing flowers and remembering childhood with the bloom of jabuticabeira and Surinam cherry are ways to maintain your health at work. Convinced of the advantages of full attention to color, texture, flavor, heat and other properties of " being alive " in the world of this : nature. The intertwining of people in building practices reducing inequalities and behavioral analysis of discourse are the themes of his intellectual and professional address .  


Civil engineering , mining , specialist in sustainable buildings . Founder of eco -construct Brazil - , a doctoral student in the built environment and sustainable heritage UFMG , Master of built environment and sustainable heritage UFMG , urban planning expert at UFMG , international executive MBA in marketing from FQV . Works with the mission to build a green and sustainable world. Art in general, beauty, peace and harmony make your head.

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