08 Chieko Aoki tips for you to succeed in life and at work.

In my virtual wanderings, reading newspapers and magazines in search of knowledge, I found something precious. Tips for a great entrepreneur to be more assertive in life and at work. Chieko Aoki is a great entrepreneur who revolutionized the hotel market in the country. Known for its enormous capacity for innovation and entrepreneurship, Aoki establishing new standards of quality and service and created the network Blue Tree, which is 16 years old and operates 23 hotels in 18 cities. Before that, Chieko worked in Asia, Europe and USA, where he also took courses and specializations.
With his wisdom, Chieko gives a lesson for women!

"Criticism let people down and we should avoid it. Have big heart:. If you do not like someone just does not say anything "Chieko also noted that there is no standard to be happy and never to judge other people's choices. "I do not want to interfere with the happiness of others."
Create links
Strengthening personal relationships is important to succeed in work and life, believes the entrepreneur. Have genuine concern for fellow is a way to create strong and lasting relationships that can lead people further. "Ask about hobbies, family," he explains.
think beyond
One of Chieko company's mottos is think another, or think of another way to perform a certain task. "There is a better way to do?" He asked her. "Thought it costs nothing. It is a wealth that you have and that is free. "And the best: the more you practice, the more that wealth increases." Develop your self-esteem
"Good self-esteem is important because it makes you equal to the others," says the businesswoman. She also noted that parents have a great responsibility in building the self-esteem of children. "The Eastern families generally have very strong value of humility, but it is important not to let the children feel inferior."
Have discipline
"Discipline is a form of respect to others," says Chieko. Do not be late for appointments and keep his word, for example, fit here. Also, be disciplined helps you reach your goals and that goes for the little things. "There are always ups and downs, but if I want to, I will fight and persist," he explains.
Be authentic
"Do not be ashamed to be yourself," advises the entrepreneur. "Surely, somewhere, there is someone who likes you as you are. A person will find something good in you. "Chieko remember, however, that you need to know to hear other opinions and adapt to situations. When this occurs, the motto is: "Be gentle with you."
Do not create boundaries for you
Chieko is a voracious learner and says to allow new experiences. "We do not realize learn everything in this life. So I do not put any limit: That yes, it does. If someone calls me, I will. "This helps in time to collect results. "Want to be important? Do less important things. "
Let the soul
"In Japanese, ki (soul) is in all the words that have something to do with the way to do, to be," he explains. The businesswoman turned to Japanese dictionary to make a training for your team. "To understand the client's soul, your spirit has to understand his and women understand very well the language of the soul."

Chieko Aoki - Founder and president of network Blue Tree Hotels.
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